Agathosma betulina
Buchu is a fragrant shrub native to the Western Cape region. Known for its tiny, glossy leaves and small white or pink flowers, this plant has been revered by the Khoi and San for centuries.
Medicinal Uses: Buchu leaves were traditionally used as a diuretic and to treat kidney and urinary tract infections. The leaves were also crushed and applied as a poultice to wounds to promote healing and reduce inflammation.
Helichrysum odoratissimum
Kooigoed, also known as Everlasting, is a perennial herb with silver-grey leaves and small, yellow flower heads. This plant grows widely across Southern Africa, especially in the Cape regions.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Kooigoed for its soothing and calming effects. It was commonly used to treat colds, coughs, and headaches. The plant was also used as bedding due to its pleasant scent and ability to repel insects.
Cyclopia spp
Honeybush is a fynbos plant native to the Western and Eastern Cape regions. It is recognized by its sweet-smelling yellow flowers and is closely related to the rooibos plant
Medicinal Uses: Honeybush was traditionally brewed into a tea that the Khoi and San believed could relieve coughs, treat respiratory infections, and aid digestion. It was also used as a general tonic to boost health and well-being.
Wild Dagga
Leonotis leonurus
Also known as Lion’s Ear or Wild Dagga, this shrub is native to Southern Africa and is easily recognized by its spiky orange or red flowers.
Medicinal Uses: Wild Dagga was used by the Khoi and San to alleviate pain and treat conditions such as headaches, fever, and skin irritations. The leaves were often smoked or brewed into a tea to calm nerves and induce relaxation.
African Wormwood
Artemisia afra)
African Wormwood is a highly aromatic shrub that thrives in the rocky soils of the Western Cape. The plant is characterized by its finely divided, grey-green leaves and strong scent
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used African Wormwood to treat a variety of ailments, including colds, fever, and stomach complaints. The plant was also used externally to soothe bruises and aches.
Sour Fig
Carpobrotus edulis
Sour Fig, also known as Hottentot Fig or Carpobrotus, is a succulent plant with fleshy leaves and vibrant pink or yellow flowers. It is commonly found along the coastlines of South Africa.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used the juicy leaves of the Sour Fig to treat wounds, burns, and insect bites. The juice was also taken internally to relieve digestive issues and sore throats.
Devil’s Claw
Harpagophytum procumbens
Devil’s Claw is a creeping plant found in the semi-desert regions of Southern Africa. It is distinguished by its hooked fruit, which inspired its name
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Devil’s Claw as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent to treat conditions such as arthritis, muscle pain, and digestive disorders. The root was typically dried, ground, and used in various forms, including teas and poultices.
Wild Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea
Wild Garlic, or Society Garlic, is a bulbous plant with long, slender leaves and clusters of lilac flowers. It is native to South Africa and emits a strong garlic-like smell
Medicinal Uses: Wild Dagga was used by the Khoi and San to alleviate pain and treat conditions such as headaches, fever, and skin irritations. The leaves were often smoked or brewed into a tea to calm nerves and induce relaxation.