A garden of traditional medicines
The First Nations Indigenous Garden in Riverlands has been planted with various Southern African species that have been used for centuries by the Khoi and the San as traditional medicinal treatments for a wide range of ailments and conditions.
Use the drop-down menu to find out how these valuable plants were used by our First Nations people.
African Sage
Salvia africana-caerula | Bloublomsalie
African Sage is a woody shrub with grey-green leaves and tubular, brownish flowers. It is commonly found in South Africa's coastal regions.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used African Sage to treat colds, coughs, and bronchitis. It was also used for its antiseptic properties and to aid digestion.
African Wormwood
Artemisia afra | Wilde Als
African Wormwood is a bushy shrub with finely divided, aromatic leaves and clusters of small, yellow flowers. It thrives in the wild regions of South Africa.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used African Wormwood to treat respiratory ailments, such as colds, flu, and coughs. It was also employed to alleviate digestive issues and fevers.
Cape Aloe
Aloe ferox | Bergaalwyn
Cape Aloe is a succulent plant with thick, fleshy leaves edged with spines. It is native to South Africa and produces tall spikes of tubular, orange-red flowers.
Medicinal Uses: Cape Aloe was used by the Khoi and San to treat skin ailments such as burns, wounds, and infections. Its sap was also ingested as a natural laxative and to aid digestion.
Cape Mint
Mentha longifolia | Balderjan
Cape Mint is a herbaceous plant with long, aromatic leaves and spikes of pale purple flowers. It grows in various regions across South Africa.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Cape Mint to treat digestive issues, headaches, and respiratory problems. It was often brewed into a tea for its soothing and aromatic effects.
Carpet Geranium
Geranium incanum | Vrouetee
Carpet Geranium is a low-growing plant with soft, hairy leaves and small, purple flowers. It is native to South Africa and often found in grassy areas.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Carpet Geranium to treat diarrhea and intestinal issues. It was also applied to wounds and skin irritations for its soothing properties.
Common Ice Plant
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum | Brakvy (Noeta)
Common Ice Plant is a succulent with fleshy, crystalline leaves and daisy-like flowers. It is commonly found in South Africa's coastal areas.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Common Ice Plant to treat digestive issues and skin conditions. It was also valued as a diuretic and for its cooling properties.
Confetti Bush
Coleonema album | Klipboegoe
Confetti Bush is a dense, aromatic shrub with needle-like leaves and tiny pink or white flowers. It is found in South Africa's coastal regions.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Confetti Bush to treat colds, flu, and stomach ailments. It was also used as a natural insect repellent and in aromatic baths for relaxation.
Eland’s Sourfig
Carpobrotus acinaciformis | Ghoenavy
Eland’s Sourfig is a succulent with large, fleshy leaves and bright pink flowers. It is native to South Africa's coastal areas.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Elands Sourfig to treat sore throats, mouth infections, and digestive issues. The juice was also applied to burns and skin irritations for its soothing effects.
Elephant Bush
Portulacaria afra | Spekboom
Elephant Bush is a succulent with small, round leaves and reddish stems. It is native to the arid regions of South Africa.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San chewed Elephant Bush leaves to quench thirst and prevent dehydration. The plant was also used to treat skin ailments like sunburn and insect bites.
False Buchu
Agathosma ovata | Baster boegoe
False Buchu is a small shrub with aromatic leaves and clusters of small, white or pink flowers. It grows in South Africa's mountainous regions.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used False Buchu as a diuretic to treat kidney and urinary tract infections. It was also used to relieve digestive issues and as an anti-inflammatory.
Jade Plant
Crassula ovata | Karmedikbos
Jade Plant is a succulent with thick, oval-shaped leaves and small, pink or white flowers. It is a hardy plant found in South Africa's rocky areas.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San applied Jade Plant leaves to the skin to treat warts, corns, and burns. The plant's juice was also used to soothe sores and skin irritations.
Licorice Plant
Helichrysum petiolare | Kooigoed
Licorice Plant is a trailing herb with velvety, silver-grey leaves and clusters of small, cream-coloured flowers. It grows widely in South Africa.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used the Licorice Plant to treat colds, coughs, and fever. It was also applied to wounds and skin infections for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Lion’s Claw
Leonotis leonurus | Wilde dagga
Lion’s Claw is a tall, bushy plant with bright orange, tubular flowers and long, narrow leaves. It is indigenous to South Africa's grasslands.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Lion’s Claw to treat respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and fever. It was also valued for its calming effects and pain-relieving properties.
Snake Flower
Bulbine frutescens | Kopiva
Snake Flower is a succulent with narrow, fleshy leaves and bright yellow, star-shaped flowers. This plant is commonly found in South Africa's rocky terrains.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San applied Snake Flower gel to treat skin conditions like cuts, burns, and rashes. It was also used to soothe insect bites and cracked lips.
Wild Garlic
Tulbaghia violacea | Wilde knoffel
Wild Garlic, also known as Society Garlic, is a bulbous plant with long, narrow leaves and clusters of lilac or pink flowers. It emits a strong garlic-like scent and is native to South Africa's grasslands and rocky areas.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Wild Garlic to treat respiratory issues such as colds, asthma, and tuberculosis. It was also believed to repel pests and was planted around homes for protection against evil spirits.
Wild Rosemary
Eriocephalus africanus | Kapokbossie
Wild Rosemary is a fragrant shrub with small, grey-green leaves and tiny white flowers. It is indigenous to South Africa's coastal areas.
Medicinal Uses: The Khoi and San used Wild Rosemary to relieve respiratory problems, including colds and coughs. It was also valued for its antiseptic properties and used in treating headaches.